I've been invited to be an AMAZON Influencer by AMAZON due to my 520+ Youtube videos, 6000+ subscribers and over 6 million watches on the fixed1t Youtube videos which can be found at:
I'm really excited to be offered the chance to be an influencer is especial useful for me as it gives me an AMAZON 'vanity' page where I can post information on the kit, equipment, products I use and recommend from my fixed1t work.
I get thousands of requests from people for information on what equipment, parts, gadgets and chemical etc I use and its been a real pain to find them or even to tell them where to get them as YouTube and eBay will not allow you to include personal emails and links in videos or sales.
Now there is a single place I can send people for AMAZON related equipment. All of the equipment I recommend and use myself so I'm more than happy to ask question you may have in this blog.
So please take a look and let me know if there is anything you'd like me to review or you think I should recommend.
Click Here For The fixed1t Influencer Page
Please forget to subscribe and please consider sharing fixed1t or my influencer page with your friends and family.
Best Wishes
Malcolm aka fixed1t
If you do not use AMAZON don't worry as I will post links for the equipment in my videos here, just click on them to go direct to the parts.
Thanks Malcolm aka #fixed1t
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Its only worth while me spending time on blogs If I know they are being read and it is not easy to know. So If you have taken time to read a blog entry then please leave a comment or question. Thanks Malcolm