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Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Tom Cruise Soap Opera Effect LG SMART HDTV Fix

This video is about Tom Cruise Soap Opera Effect LG SMART HDTV Fix

fixed1t Tech Support tip

In A Recent Video Tom Cruise Highlighted How Video Interpolation On HDTV's Causes So-Called " Soap Opera Effect" Making a Hi- Resolution Film video look like it was shot in High Speed Digital i.e. its much poorer quality.  So You Are Not Seeing The Film As The Film Maker Wanted You To See It.

BUT, Turning Interpolation Off Isn't Easy As Different Manufacturers Call It Different Things So Finding It Is Very Difficult.

As I Own A LG SMART HDTV I Decided To Look For "Video Interpolation" And Its Not There. This Is

How I Turned Off Video Interpolation And Stopped The So-Called Soap Opera Effect. If your wondering why I haven't played a HD video in the background when fixing this problem, that would have got my video pulled for copyright breach.

Malcolm aka #fixed1t

Friday, 16 November 2018

One Stop For fixed1t AMAZON Influencer and eBay Links

I've been invited to be an AMAZON Influencer by AMAZON due to my 520+ Youtube videos, 6000+ subscribers and over 6 million watches on the fixed1t Youtube videos which can be found at:

I'm really excited to be offered the chance to be an influencer is especial useful for me as it gives me an AMAZON 'vanity' page where I can post information on the kit, equipment, products I use and recommend from my fixed1t work. 
I get thousands of requests from people for information on what equipment, parts, gadgets and chemical etc I use and its been a real pain to find them or even to tell them where to get them as YouTube and eBay will not allow you to include personal emails and links in videos or sales.

Now there is a single place I can send people for AMAZON related equipment. All of the equipment I recommend and use myself so I'm more than happy to ask question you may have in this blog.

So please take a look and let me know if there is anything you'd like me to review or you think I should recommend.

Click Here For The fixed1t Influencer Page

Please forget to subscribe and please consider sharing fixed1t or my influencer page with your friends and family.

Best Wishes
Malcolm aka fixed1t

If you do not use AMAZON don't worry as I will post links for the equipment in my videos here, just click on them to go direct to the parts.

Thanks Malcolm aka #fixed1t

Friday, 12 January 2018


Its not unusual for new technology to be over hyped and marketed 5 - 10 years before its time, such things become can become a fad for some then rapidly dissappear due to factors beyond the manufacturers control.  Such was the case with the BANDAI TechPet or SmartPet

The problem it had was that the whole concept was that of a Robot Dog (with a tiny amount of the functionality of the top of the range SONY AIBO).  But the unique selling point of the BANDAI dog was that it had a robotic body, but the brain and head were an Apple iPhone 4/4s or iPodTouch.

Now this seemed like a great idea and good use of technology, but at the time these phones were highly prized items, very expensive and quite frankly were being used as phones. As the sales of the BANDAI dogs were low the development of the technology slowed to a standstill and stopped.

What also contributed to the demise of the BANDAI TechPet / SmartPet was the ridiculous oversight of BANDAI not bothering to produce an English Manual, despite the device have onboard english instruction and help.

They also only post the TECHPET and SMARTPET Apple IOS APPS to the Japanese APP Store, which was as still is difficult for non-Japanese users to download from.

So we move on 6+ years to 2018 and the iPhone 4/4s phones are old, often discarded and lying around in quite significant numbers in households, possibly unused as they are relatively slow and their second hand value is low(not worth the effort to sell), or they have become kiddies APP players.
So in a series of posts I’m going to be taking another look at the BANDAI TECHPET and SMARTPET and I’ll start over the next few weeks by:

Putting together English Instructions
Putting together an English User Guide
Tracking down the TECHPET and/or SMARTPET IOS APP
Then I’ll power it up and creat some demonstration videos
Then I’m going to open it up and peer inside
Then I’m going to use new technology to control its body

I hope you come along for the ride.