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Friday, 22 July 2016

Sandisk ExpressCard SD Adapters Review And Recommendation

If you haven't watched the video here is the link:

You will have seen that I tested two Sandisk ExpressCard Adapters, one for SD Cards and others

 and the other specifically for SD Cards the SanDixk FlashBack Adapter.

They were both capable of transferring very large video and pictures files from the SD Card from my: 

in a matter of minutes, were my attempts using a USB 2 SD Adapter failed constantly around 4gb after over 16 minutes leaving me to constantly try again.

Having an ExpressCard Slot in my MacBook Pro I investigated available cards and the SanDisk came up.  If you, like me regularly deal with enormous files using USB sticks, this is a much faster and more efficient solution.

To make it easy for you I have created links to purchase either card, depending if you want it to be flush with the adapter or protruding.  These adapters are very cheap and you can find prices using the links below.  If your only interested in using a Flush Fitting SD Card Clicl On The Link Below

SanDisk ExpressCard Adapter For SD, SDHC, MultiMedia Card Etc
SanDisk FlashBack Adapter Reader for SDHC SD Memory Express Card New SDAD-111

However, If your a interested in using the range of cards listed on the multiple adapter use this link:

SanDisk Adapter Reader SDHC SD Memory Stick PRO Duo Express Multi Card SDAD-109

For less than the price of a 64gb SD card you can get a high speed transfer solution.  If you have an ExpressCard Slot on your machine its a no brainer, do like I did, check its compatibility with your machine and operating system, and if its compatible Buy One.  In fact I'm going to buy a few more for my other machines and stop using slow USB sticks.

I hope you like the video and the review.  If you find it useful share it widely, after you've purchased your adapters as they could become very very popular.


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

DESTEK 3D VR SBS Google 3D Headset Unboxing Review

SBS 3D VR Cardboard Google glasses. I Bought These.

These are cheap and great, click the link below to find them:

3D VR Focusing Headset With Bluetooth Remote

This video is about 3D VR Focusing Headset With Bluetooth Remote In my last video  reviewed Google SBS 3D glasses. But due to age related Presbyopia (Long Sight), I need focusing 3D VR

SBS 3D VR Cardboard Google glasses. I Bought These.

These are cheap and great, click the link below to find them:


Sunday, 10 April 2016

Amazing Musii Sensory Musical Instrument

This video is about Amazing Musii Sensory Musical Instrument Pascal, Oliver and I found at FUN

Fun is a great 'Special Needs' charity with really nice staff and great facilities at their Luton Premises in the UK. More details on Families United Network (FUN) can be found at their website by clicking on the link:

Pascal, Oliver and I had a great time there, and often take part in the other events.

If you have a disabled child with communication difficulties but a keen interest in making sounds this a perfect multi-sensory tool and toy to keep them interested for hours.


Friday, 5 February 2016

Unboxing A Samsung SE-506CB/RSBDE Apple Mac Mac Compatible Blu-ray Writer

Unboxing a Mac Compatible? Samsung SE-506CB/RSBDE Writable Blu-ray drive to use in my Apple Mac Blu-ray Photo and Video backup experiments. #fixed1tMACsupport

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Toddler Unboxing My Logicom SPY-C Roving WiFi Video Camera "Tractor" :-)

Ollikins my friends toddler came round and wasn't happy I was doing an unboxing myself "you've got to share it Malcolm" he pleaded, so here he is :-) A toddler eye view of hi Tech WiFi roaming security tanks.

Malcolm aka #fixed1t